5 post dermal fillers mistakes most people do

Do you ever look in the mirror and wish you could do something about those deepening lines and wrinkles? As we age, volume loss and gravity contribute to many of the visible signs of ageing. As not everyone is keen on undergoing a surgical procedure, Non-Surgical Rejuvenation (NSR) can offer subtle and elegant results with negligible downtime. It is suitable for anyone who cares about looking their best and when used in combination, enhances the effects of surgical procedures and skincare.

Although dermal fillers can be a reliable way to natural-looking results, it is important to know what can go wrong with fillers. Dr. Rozina Ali is one of the best female plastic surgeons in UK, an expert, and trainer in the use of popular, well-tested fillers with a high safety profile such as the Juvederm Vycross range and has an expert aesthetic eye. In the following article, Dr. Ali will provide us with her approach to facial fillers as well as some common ways injectables can turn out poorly. 


Good results require an eye for aesthetics and an understanding of anatomy—the ability to examine your features and understand how injection in one area will change the balance throughout the rest of your face. As it applies to other plastic procedures, such as breast augmentation, bigger is not better. Or as Rozina often says: Less is enough.

Make sure you always discuss in advance with your practitioner what you are looking to achieve. The overuse of fillers isn't equal to better results. In fact, an over-plumped face can look odd and less appealing and undo years of good quality living.

Using the wrong product

Yes, you will most definitely need to be looking for a certified plastic surgeon when considering dermal facial fillers. However, you also need your surgeon to choose the right product for the area you are addressing. There are numerous filler products for a reason: each has been developed to deliver the right amount of flexibility and/or cohesivity for specific areas of the face. 

Experienced practitioners like Rozina, will have worked with many products and understand where and how they can best be used to achieve your desired results. Dr Ali can use HA fillers to treat areas as diverse as the temples, jawline and tear troughs, designed to give the face a more youthful contour and fresh hydrated appearance.

Not focusing only on volume 

Ageing occurs throughout the face. Consequently, all features should be considered in relation to one another to achieve a natural look with injectables. For example, by only filling the lower third of the face - those wrinkles and folds that have become more prominent over time-  you will actually create the opposite effect making the face appear droopy or heavier.

The secret is to use the correct filler at the correct site, in the correct volume to LIFT, and re-volumise the face in proportion to other features and in keeping with your preference and lifestyle. 

Gentle Facial massage 

Although extremely rare, dermal fillers are able to migrate within the skin if consistent and adequate pressure is applied to them. You will be advised not to apply a lot of pressure or movement on the injected areas for the first two weeks following their filler injections. This can irritate the skin and cause or exacerbate bruising or swelling. Rozina routinely offers a post-filler appointment for any fine-tuning, top-ups, and a re-assessment of results.

Expecting surgical-level stability with injectables

Last but not least, there is only so long a non-surgical dermal filling session can last. The results will not be as long-lasting as results from a surgical procedure such as a facelift or lip lift etc. How long they last depend on the area they are injected into. Static sites like cheekbones may last for 2-3 years, but more mobile areas like the lips last 3-4 months.

At her private aesthetic clinic in London, Dr. Rozina Ali helps her patients redefine and symmetrise facial contours, restore volume and enhance skin quality and facial features by thoughtfully using fillers amongst an array of non-surgical tools. Results can be as eye-catching or understated as desired but they will always be as natural-looking as achievable.  Contact us and book your private consultation!