Breast Enhancement - latest trends to achieve the perfect look

Most people associate breast augmentation with breast implants. In fact, fat transfer is the latest trend to gain attention in the field of breast enhancement. The procedure is minimally invasive and is proven to be very safe overall. Many patients prefer fat grafting to implants as it’s less invasive and does not involve putting foreign objects into the body. Rather than using an implant, fat transfer breast augmentation uses your body's own excess or undesired fat to increase the size of your bust. Fat is harvested from the hips, thighs, or tummy, washed and filtered, and then carefully injected into the breast for an all-natural enhancement that looks and feels like the real deal. 

However, there are some advantages and disadvantages to know about if you’re considering this procedure. Rozina Ali is a pioneer of fat transfer to the breasts. She is a top-rated female plastic surgeon highly qualified in breast surgery. She shares with us some useful insights that may help you make a better decision and get the best possible aesthetic outcome. 

Fixing nuanced issues

The aim of breast lipofilling is to render a soft, natural-looking breast, that feels and behaves more naturally than implants and with minimum scarring. Breast lipofilling is an excellent solution for breast asymmetry, partial breast reconstruction following excision biopsy, lumpectomy, radiotherapy, and bilateral breast enhancement with the ability to focus on any specific area (upper pole, side boob, lower pole, projection, cleavage). 

Dr. Rozina Ali is proud to be a leading advocate of fat transfer (lipofilling) to enhance breast size and shape, add curves and cleavage where required, and to even out any asymmetry or differences in volume. She has extensive expertise and experience in the process and has achieved some great outcomes using only fat transfer. Increasingly her clients are choosing to have implants and capsules removed and where possible have breasts augmented with their own fat alone. 

An ideal neutral solution

Not only does fat transfer to breast avoid problems of implants, capsular contracture and scars, but it also results in breasts that feel soft and natural. Rozina is renowned for minimising the scar beneath the breast, using a well-placed curved incision.

When fat is injected into the body, it must ‘take’ by developing a blood supply to survive. If expectations are managed, fat is harvested gently and fat is re-injected in the right layers, then up to 70 percent of the injected fat is likely to survive in the breasts, which can lead to significant 1.5-2 cup size enhancements in breast volume. Fat does not offer the same structural support or dramatic increases in size that implants may achieve but it has a very definite role in correcting breast deflation after hormonal changes (pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding, menopause) as well as massive weight loss or acute illness. After four to six weeks, the size of the breasts stabilizes and there is some evidence of a rebound increase in size by 6-9 months as the fat ‘takes’ and settles. Over time, as long as you maintain your weight, the breast size will remain the same. If you are looking for focused enhancement, correction of deflation, the benefits of fat harvest, and not necessarily looking for more than 1.5-2 cup sizes difference…te at grafting may be ideal for you.

It is often performed with other procedures

Fat transfer breast augmentation is really like performing two procedures at once - fat harvesting, a procedure superficially similar to conventional liposuction, and breast augmentation. Thus, it takes more time and is slightly more expensive than breast augmentation using implants alone. Also, if you have additional concerns, like sagging, you may want to consider incorporating a breast lift. Talk openly to Rozina about your needs and wants and make sure you have a clear understanding of every step of the surgery.

In summary, fat transfer can be a good option for breast enhancement if you’re after a reinflation, volume enhancement, natural-looking, feeling, and moving breasts, a boost to your bust size, and if you want to refine or reshape your entire body. It has both advantages and disadvantages. However, the true list of pros & cons is determined by every patient and will be different for every individual. As there is no such thing as a ”one size fits all” solution for everyone, before committing to any type of procedure, learn everything you can about it, and, ultimately, book a consultation with an FRCS (Plast) certified surgeon with a specialist interest in breasts.