Most popular aesthetic procedures for men

Women still choose plastic surgery 6-8 times more than men, but some aesthetic procedures are more attractive to men. Although most are still reticent when it comes to aesthetic support it is obvious that plastic surgery has become quite popular among men as well. 

In fact, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgery, cosmetic and plastic surgery procedures performed on men have increased by 28% since 2000. Male cosmetic surgery is becoming more and more popular as men want to look more confident, younger and attractive. While there is a multitude of surgical procedures that men turn to, the top three categories of plastic surgery for men are facelifts, male breast reduction, and liposuction. These are especially popular as people get older, for those in their 40s or 50s. However, we must recognize the fact that men do not always understand or articulate what they want and are still not as well informed about aesthetic procedures as women, which is why they are often guided by word of mouth (wives, girlfriends, friends)  most of the time.

Aesthetic surgery is the practice of restoring or refining your image so that the reflection you see in the mirror is the self you recognize yourself to be. This is very helpful because, as Dr. Rozina Ali says, feeling content and confident in your skin is the ultimate luxury. Dr. Rozina Ali is a highly qualified aesthetic surgeon in London. Her expertise lies in all aspects of breast reconstruction as well as surgical and non-surgical facial aesthetics. In the following article, Dr. Ali will tell us more about the most popular and desired aesthetic surgery procedures for men.

1. Facelifts

Men develop fine lines, wrinkles, and folds on the face and neck as they age. Years of sun damage, poor diet, and stress can affect their appearance. These visible signs of aging can cause many men to feel self-conscious or even depressed. Facelift surgery remains the standard in facial rejuvenation to reverse the signs of aging and restore a youthful appearance.

A facelift is a cosmetic surgery that involves small, discreet incisions on both sides of the face. A highly skilled plastic surgeon will carefully pull back the skin to reveal the firm strength-bearing SMAS tissue underneath. For both men and women, facelifts are designed to soften and even reverse the visible signs of aging on the face and neck. This includes the appearance of a sagging neck, jowls, soft jaw lines, marionette lines, deep wrinkles, and creases. 

Rozina’s passion is the practice of elegant surgery and she enjoys offering beautiful, nuanced, 3-dimensional facelifts that reposition sagging underlying structures. Rozina’s facial aesthetics practice is based on an accurate knowledge of facial anatomy and a thorough understanding of the effects of aging on individual components.

Men looking to address fine lines and wrinkles around the lips and eyes, or the condition of their skin, should consider additional blepharoplasty, brow lift or non-surgical procedures, and skin rejuvenation adjuvant procedures.

2. Kerastem Hair Therapy

One of the big problems men face, especially with age, is hair loss, many of them are even close to being bald. Affecting up to 50% of men, hair loss is one of the most common signs of aging. Thanks to advanced technology, any man can use his own fat, enriched with stem cells, to treat thinning hair or rapidly receding hair lines. This revolutionary procedure is called Kerastem Hair Therapy. This treatment has several benefits, including the fact that it brings long-lasting results, and is a minimally invasive procedure. Performed by a successful plastic surgeon, this procedure can be of great help to any man experiencing hair thinning and early hair loss.

As one of the best female plastic surgeons in London, Dr. Rozina Ali has long held that “Fat is the future”, she performs various procedures in this field and is one of the very few plastic surgeons performing Kerastem Hair Therapy in the UK.

3. Gynecomastia surgery

Another popular aesthetic surgery procedure among men is gynecomastia. Gynecomastia is an increase in the amount of mammary gland tissue in boys or men, caused by an imbalance of the hormones estrogen and testosterone. Gynecomastia can affect one or both breasts, sometimes unevenly. Men and boys with gynecomastia sometimes have breast pain, can feel embarrassed, and often choose to seek the help of a doctor. Gynecomastia can cause emotional discomfort and affect self-confidence. Many men may avoid certain physical activities and intimacy simply to hide their condition. The prevalence of asymptomatic gynecomastia is reported to be 60-90% in newborns, 50-60% in adolescents, and up to 70% in men aged 50-69 years. This is at the natural intersection of hormone fluctuations and imbalance. If however the problem persists or occurs throughout adulthood, then it may be that you are suitable for gynecomastia surgery, we recommend to book a consultation with your plastic surgeon.

4. Liposuction 

For many men, losing weight, toning up, and achieving the physique they want, may require more than just healthy eating and regular exercise. Some stubborn fat deposits may remain that no amount of exercise or diet can change. Liposuction surgery in men is designed to help remove these areas of fat and reshape certain areas of the body. Typical problematic areas that can be treated with liposuction surgery include the inner and outer thighs, abdomen, hips, buttocks, knees, or chin. Liposuction removes fatty deposits from different locations on the body, to create a more ideal silhouette, and has long-term persistent effects.

Dr. Ali is an expert in this field, helping her patients not only extract viable fat tissue but also use it where there is an opportunity to enhance their natural function or appearance. Liposuction from the back and thighs are one of the most popular treatments, Dr. Rozina Ali ensures each guest receives individualized, 360-degree wraparound service and guidance to make the most informed choices and achieve optimal outcomes. 

5. Blepharoplasty

Blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery, is one of the most popular and requested surgical procedures for facial transformation and rejuvenation – in men and women. Blepharoplasty is very effective in eliminating the early signs of aging and helps you look and feel younger. Male blepharoplasty must be carefully tailored for men, with a more conservative approach than for women, to provide a natural result, making the patient look more attractive, younger, and refreshed, with no telltale signs of surgery or feminization. For this to be possible, you will require a very well-trained plastic surgeon. Dr. Rozina Ali is a highly trained professional who performs various facial aesthetic procedures, from facelifts to brow lifts, always focusing on the small details that make the difference.

Men are becoming increasingly concerned with their appearance, especially as they get older, and although more attention to detail is needed to avoid feminization, certain aesthetic procedures can be of great help. As a highly qualified plastic surgeon in London, Dr. Rozina Ali can help any man feel better in his skin. If you also want to take care of yourself, book a consultation so that one of the best plastic surgeons can give you the necessary guidance.