Breast augmentation - why is the quality of the implant so important? 

Deciding to have breast implants is a big decision. It's an investment designed to help you achieve the feminine curves you want, often helping to boost your self-image. Of course, you will have to consider the fact that most implants have a limited lifespan, but certain types can stay with you for a lifetime if you consider the recommendations of a professional aesthetic surgeon. In the following, Dr. Ali will talk about breast augmentation with implants as a major life-enhancing procedure if you choose the right implants and consider the subsequent recommendations.

Dr. Rozina Ali is one of the best reconstructive and aesthetic plastic surgeons whose broad expertise includes all aspects of breast reconstruction and aesthetics. As one of London's premier plastic surgeons, Rozina excels in selecting the ideal size and shape of breast implants based on factors such as natural breast tissue quality and breast dimensions. 

The average lifespan of breast implants

Breast augmentation is an effective way to improve your aesthetic appearance. Although generally safe and designed to be long-lasting, many state that implants are not considered to be "lifetime devices". On average, today's implants are designed to last more than a decade, with the chance of breakage increasing by one percent each year. In many cases, breast implants can stay in good shape for 10-15 years or more. Every patient is different and the life of your implants will depend on your breast size and hormonal changes.

Why is the quality of the implant so important? 

The choice of quality breast implants can represent a decisive factor in aesthetic appearance and functionality. High-quality implants will be less likely to leak or rupture. Dr. Rozina Ali only uses high-quality, regulated, and proven implant technologies. That's why she only uses premium implants. Dr. Ali uses Motiva Ergonomix implants, innovative silicone breast implants that meet both their aesthetic and safety goals.

About Motiva Ergonomix Implants 

Motiva Ergonomix Implants are made of gel, with the help of the latest technology. This material is very flexible, which helps with reducing the size of the long incision of the surgical wound. In addition, this material is a premium one because its shape can be balanced with the body to be natural, including the real feeling of a natural breast. It is considered one of the most premium and outstanding breast implants in the world. Thanks to these dynamic and revolutionary breast implants, the best plastic surgeons in the UK can efficiently work to choose the ideal implants for each patient. Among the advantages of this type of premium implant are:

  • Perfect, natural, shape choice

Breast implants have a contoured, oval, or round shape that comes in different projections and sizes. Round implants are known for increasing the fullness of the upper pole of the breast, while teardrop or oval implants are designed to mimic the natural shape of the breast, with maximum fullness in the lower pole. Motiva Ergonomix is ​​the first of its kind with ProgressiveGel Ultima filling. This is a dynamic silicone gel that offers women a unique experience of having a natural appearance, its shape adapting to the patient's position. When the patient is upright, it forms a natural-looking teardrop shape, but when the patient is lying down, it changes to a round morphology.

Although the placement of teardrop-shaped implants requires advanced techniques, one of the best aesthetic surgeons in London, Dr. Rozina Ali can help you achieve a more natural look with Motiva, Ergonomix implants.

  • Minimal Scar

No one wants a visible scar after a breast augmentation or any other procedure. Motiva solved this problem by allowing the implant to be inserted through a 2.5 cm incision. It is about half the size of a typical breast augmentation incision. Smaller incisions result in faster recovery time and less visible scarring.

  • Innovation for Enhanced Safety

Motiva's Ergonomix implants are designed with the patient and the surgeon in mind. The implants are optimal to give the natural appearance of anatomical or shaped implants. Motiva implants use Advanced True Tissue equipment, which is a combination of elastic elastomer casing and exclusive rheological properties combined with gravity. As the patient lies on her back, the implants react and move similarly to natural breasts.

All these benefits and more can be obtained at an excellent quality-price ratio for every patient who chooses to perform this procedure with Dr. Rozina Ali, one of the best female aesthetic surgeons in the UK. As mentioned previously, you must see breast augmentation with implants as a long-term investment, therefore you should value the quality of the materials used, to obtain the best results, which will last over time.

Proper care of implants helps extend their life

In addition to the quality of the implants used, you will also need to take special care after the intervention to help prolong the aesthetic appearance. Proper care of your breasts can help improve the longevity of the augmentation, and this care begins during your breast augmentation recovery. A professional plastic surgeon in London will give you the necessary guidance to be able to consider the best practices after the intervention. For example, your plastic surgeon will advise wearing a supportive garment or surgical bra during recovery. If you don't follow these guidelines, the lack of support can lead to increased sagging over time.

You should always follow your plastic surgeon's instructions for annual checkups as well as regular self-checks. 

For selecting the best implant type, it is important to choose a board-certified plastic surgeon who will spend ample time with you during your initial consultation. They will take into account your aesthetic goals and personal lifestyle, let you examine and try on various implants, and then help you make the right choice. Each implant type has its unique characteristics. If you want to find out more about the right breast implant for you, but also about the quality of the materials used, book an appointment now with a qualified plastic surgeon in London.

About Dr. Rozina Ali's philosophy of beauty

Dr. Rozina Ali is ideally suited to the specialty of aesthetic surgery, both as a meticulous microsurgeon in London and a perfectionist with an acute feminine aesthetic. Rozina is experienced in using all types of implants: round, shaped, textured, smooth, microthane coated, and B-lite. She is practiced in meeting your needs.