Technical advancements in breast augmentation

Technical advancements in breast augmentation

Rozina Ali is an award winning influential aesthetic surgeon, recognised as an innovator, who pushes boundaries and sets trends. She was recently recognised by Global Health and Pharma Magazine as their Most Influential Aesthetic Surgeon in their 2023 Global Excellence Awards.“ I am proud to offer cutting edge treatments in my spirited  pursuit of offering my patients the best possible care.” In part one of a series of blogs looking at the technologies transforming the way she practices and the quality of care she offers her patients, Rozina considers the advancements impacting breast augmentation surgery.

As we approach a New Year and the promise of what the future may bring, I want to shine a light on the technologies transforming aesthetic surgery, with a specific focus on breast augmentation. 

Before we get into the technological advancements that are powering real and genuine progress in treatment options, one needs to consider the social and aesthetic advancements in how people now think about body image. Gone are the days where women are happy to tolerate breast augmentations that are stiff, unmoving or deliver an unnaturally high upper pole. What my patients demand now are the most natural feeling and looking results. As women, we want options. On some days we might want round looking breasts, on other days maybe vertiginous, raised up or even fake looking breasts, but these results can really all be achieved with good bras, Basques and clothes. When all this is taken away however and you remove your clothes, you want breasts that fall naturally. Importantly for you (and maybe a partner) you want breasts that don’t just look good, but feel great and bring you pride and pleasure. 

Therefore the real technological advancements changing the way I practice are innovations that deliver a natural look and feel, such as the ergonomix implants from Motiva (™)  These are extremely soft and when you put them in, they behave like they are shaped due to the maximal tissue at the bottom and the very soft natural slope at the top. The reason these implants canachieve this effect is due to their revolutionary soft gel in combination with are inforced shell and an additional membrane within to ensure that the soft gel stays within the implant. I usually place these implants over the muscle, directly beneath the breast gland and that means less operating time, less bleeding; less pain/swelling/bruising and best of all, no chance of animation deformity and in short, it  behaves like a natural breast. Whether you’re on the move or resting lying down, they are in-tune with you and move more naturally. A terrific innovation my patients are able to benefit from. 

Another great advancement in breast enhancement contributing to more natural results is the fact that fat transfer is becoming more easy to replicate,reproduce, and deliver safely, regularly achieving  70-80% take. That means that you have the option to remove implants and insert fat, or use much smaller implants for structural support and then put in more fat as soft tissue coverage, or use just fat to incrementally enhance breast volume. The beauty of fat transfer is that you can have serial fat transfer, which enables you to increase breast size slowly and naturally over the course ofseveral years. It's just a wonderful way of achieving the figure you want with the minimal amount of scars. And the best part, aside from how clever it is, is how natural it feels and how it enhances the breast shape my patients already have.

As an innovation, the value of 3D imaging representation simply cannot be underestimated. It’s utterly invaluable to the patient. With my experience as an expert in breast surgery and breast aesthetics I am trained to innately and instinctively anticipate the results of what I want to achieve in my minds eye. It takes time, training and experience to be able to understand how tissues may adapt to implants, but it can sometimes be difficult to convey this vision to a patient. However, with 3D imaging I can help patients visualise what the end result could look like. I just adore the moment when the realisation dawns on people’s faces as I show them what different sizes can look like or the different effects the individual implants might have. I can show my patients what they could look like with their clothes on or off, or to other people. Whilst the technology can never guarantee the results, it does give useful representation designed to provide visualisation of the different implant types, positions and sizes and the potential outcome. I am open about the limitations of this technology. For example, if one were to put into the simulator a very big implant, the computer imaging won’t reflect the potential risk where the skin might struggle to close or where the areola might become stretched. But that is why I am there. It is my role to point outwhat is or is not possible.This technology, in the hands of trained specialists like myself, is a real gamechanger for my patients. It is invaluable when it comes to supporting decision making. If a patient is having trouble choosing between sizes or implant types, I am able to ease the pressure on the decision by sharing the program with them. They can then go home and consider the options, look at different angles, show their family and friends and make a considered and informed decision that really suits them. 

Finally and importantly we turn our attention to how I support patients in their postoperative recovery and ensure they receive the highest quality aftercare. Fundamental to the success of any breast augmentation is choosing the correct compression bra or garment and this is another area where innovation is able to enhance my patient’s healing process. Lipoelastic ® and Macom Compression Garments ® offer a range of products that can offer the correct level of compression and support for newly formed breasts. They are designed to stabilise and protect breasts during the critical 6 to 8 weeks of postoperative healing. They have no underwiring, ensuring comfort and focus on the compression of fabric to support the body.

From consultation to aftercare, the future is certainly calling and I am making sure it’s my patients that are reaping the rewards.